In the first part of the article we present an overview of the jubilee activities of the Netherlands Malacological Society (NMV), organised since the founding in 1934. Jubilees were celebrated at 15, 25, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 75 years with festive meetings, special publications, expositions and an international symposium. The latter took place in 1959, during which the foundation of the Unitas Malacologica Europaea was initiated. The chairman’s chain of office, consisting of shells, was presented in 1949 at the 15 year jubilee. His hammer was handed over in 1984 during the festive meeting for the 50 year jubilee. This part ends with a detailed overview of all – 11 till now -jubilee publications. Members of the society were honoured mainly during jubilees. In the second part of the article we give an overview of the different types of honour: the designation as a honory member (1964 – mrs dr.h.c. W.S.S. van der Feen-van Benthem Jutting; 1967 – dr. C.O. van Regteren Altena; 1978 – dr.h.c. J.G.J. Kuiper; 1999 – dr. A.C. van Bruggen); the medal of honor (1974 – mrs dr.h.c. W.S.S. van der Feen-van Benthem Jutting; 1984 – managing director of Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden [presently Naturalis], managing director of Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam, and mr. A.W. Lacourt; 1994 – dr. A.C. van Bruggen, dr. H.E. Coomans, ing. L.J.M. Butot and mr. D. Smits; 2004 – LLM W. Faber and mr. J.G.J. Nieuwenhuis; 2008 – prof. dr. E. Gittenberger); and the publication of a special issue of one the NMV-journals or a Festschrift (1965 – Basteria Festschrift for mrs dr.h.c. W.S.S. van der Feen-van Benthem Jutting; 1972 – Basteria Festschrift for dr. C.O. van Regteren Altena; 1998 – special issue of Basteria in memory of dr. F.E. Loosjes; 2004 – special issue of Spirula with biography and bibliography of dr.h.c. J.G.J. Kuiper; 2006 – Basteria Festschrift for dr.h.c. J.G.J. Kuiper; 2008 – Basteria Festschrift for prof. dr. E. Gittenberger). Figure 13 shows all 12 members honoured in one or more ways together with the types of honour received.


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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

L.J. van Gemert, & S.J. van Leeuwen. (2009). Overzicht van de jubilea en het eerbetoon aan leden van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging tijdens haar 75-jarig bestaan (1934-2009). Spirula, 2(1), 1–13.