Lijst van Gemeenten als Vindplaatsen van Nederlandsche Mollusken
Basteria , Volume 11 - Issue 1/3 p. 54- 87
By the publication of this new „List of Dutch Mollusca and their Localities” all previous Lists of the Committee for the Study of Dutch Mollusca are superseded. The records refer only to recent species. The nomenclature is in accordance with the names proposed by the Netherlands Malacological Society. Names between brackets refer to the previous List of the Mollusc Committee, issued in 1927. As a rule varieties are omitted, because the study of varieties in this country has been insufficient to allow definite opinions. The acceptance of Dutch communities as units of distribution presents a few difficulties, among others that area and borders are often artificial. On the other hand, however, it is a great advantage that the division of the country into communities is an official one, and in current use. The localities are enumerated in sequence from north to south. When a species has been found in all provinces at more than one locality the distribution is taken together as „Algemeen” (=common). In this list there was no means of expressing that there is more than one record in one community. Those who wish to be informed on the detailed occurence of a certain species in a said locality should apply to the card-index of the Mollusc Committee in the Zoological Museum, Amsterdam. The letters Z (Zee = Sea), L (Land) and B (Binnenwater = Inland water) indicate the habitat of the species.
Aanvullende gegevens | |
Basteria | |
Organisatie | Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging |
W.S.S. van Benthem Jutting. (1947). Lijst van Gemeenten als Vindplaatsen van Nederlandsche Mollusken. Basteria, 11(1/3), 54–87. |