1. The Gastropod group Deshayesia Raulin, 1844, which is synonymous with Naticella Grateloup, 1845 nec Guilding, 1840, and may be regarded as a subgenus of either Ampullina Bowdich, 1822 (= Ampullella Cox, 1931) or Globularia Swainson, 1840 (= Cernina Gray, 1842), has been erected for a characteristic species from the Oligocene basin of Etampes, France, viz., Deshayesia parisiensis Raulin. During the century following the erection of the group, Deshayesia was recorded exclusively from the Paleogene — Eocene and particularly Oligocene — deposits of Western Europe. It was remarkable, therefore, to recognize a representative of this group in Younger Miocene deposits of the East Indies (Beets, 1942a, p. 252), although the development of the European and Indo-Western Pacific Tertiary faunas provides much evidence for exchanges of genera.