Description. — Shell solid, higher than broad, whorls about four. Spire rather high, the last whorl fastened to the periphery of the penultimate without overlapping, suture distinct. Altitude of the aperture about ¾ of the total altitude. Umbilicus wide, more or less crescent-shaped, callus hardly covering its upper angle. There is a delicate funiculus in the umbilicus, beginning at the basal angle of the callus. Parietal callus narrow. Remains of coloured spots are visible in paratype 1. Measurements. — Alt. 2.2 cm, diam. 1.9 cm (holotype) Alt. 2.5 cm, diam. 2.2 cm (paratype 1) Alt. 2.5 cm, diam. 2.1 cm (paratype 2)