
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

In the following list the periodicals have been arranged alphabetically according to the first word which is not an article. We had to draw a line, somewhat arbitrarily, between what we would call a periodical and what not. This line was drawn between CLENCH’S “Johnsonia”, which is included in the list, and, e. g., PFEIFFER’S “Novitates Conchologicae” and ROSSMAESSLER’S “Iconographie der Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken”, which are not. For the convenience of Dutch malacologists annotations in small print indicate whenever a series is present in one or more of the following four libraries in the Netherlands: the library of the “Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging” at Amsterdam (NMV), of the “Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie” at Leiden (RMNH), of “Teyler’s Stichting” at Haarlem (TS), and of the “Zoologisch Museum” at Amsterdam (ZM). The symbol → means that the series is still in progress and is still received by the library in question; the symbol † indicates the presence of a complete series. The authors will be indebted to anyone drawing their attention to mistakes or omissions in this list.