Recently considerable attention has been paid to the different forms which were formerly included in the species Cochlicopa lubrica (Müller). G. MANDAHL-BARTH (1950) and H. E. QUICK (1954) showed that serious reasons exist for considering the small form usually called Cochlicopa lubrica var. exigua (Menke) specifically distinct. According to QUICK (1954) the correct name of this small species is Cochlicopa lubricella (Porro, 1838). Recently A. NILSSON (1956) has dealt with the systematics of Cochlicopa. He considers not only the above mentioned C. lubricella (Porro) (= = C. minima Siemashko) an independent species, but also the large form living in swamps, Cochlicopa nitens (Kokeil). The same opinion was also expressed by the Swedish malacologist H. WALDÉN (1954, p. 446). In my revision of Czechoslovak Cochlicopa I have ascertained some facts which may help to solve the problem of the status of C. nitens (Kok.). The species C. lubrica (Müll.) and C. lubricella (Porro) are common in the whole territory of Czechoslovakia, with C. lubricella (Porro) evidently preferring xerothermic areas and being especially abundant on limestone steppes. On the other hand, C. nitens (Kok.) is evidently a rare species, as it has been recorded in only a few localities, in spite of careful investigation. The rare occurrence of this species can be accounted for only by its specialized ecological requirements. As is proved by all the existing observations, it is a typical inhabitant of calcareous swamps, like Vertigo moulinsiana (Dupuy).