Based on the original descriptions and on the Conus collection of the Zoological Museum at Amsterdam, the (sub)specific names in the recent Conidae are revised. Illustrations and distribution maps are supplied. In the second part the following Conus names are discussed: adansoni ”authors” — no nomenclatorial status. adenensis E.A. Smith — form of C. inscriptus Rve — Indian Ocean. adonis Shikama — junior synonym of C. memiae (Habe & Kosuge). adriaticus Nardo — form of C. mediterraneus Hw. — Adriatic Sea. adustus Sow. — form of C. erythraeensis Rve, lectotype designated — Red Sea. advertex (Garrard) — form of C. angasi Tryon — Queensland, N.S. Wales. aegrotus Rve — form of C. furvus Rve — Philippines, West Negros designated type locality. aemulus Rve — valid species — Angola, Mussulo Bay designated type locality. aequipunctatus Dautz. — subspecies of C. arenatus Hw. — Red Sea, Jiddah designated type locality. affinis Gmel. — junior synonym of C. circumcisus Born. africanus Kien. — valid species — Angola. agassizii Dall — subspecies of C. mindanus Hw. — Lesser Antilles. agrestis Mörch — form of C. figulinus loroisii Kien., paratype discovered — Bay of Bengal and Indonesia. akabensis Sow. — albino of C. quercinus Solander. alabaster Rve — valid species, neotype designated — Indonesia, India. alabasteroides (Shikama) — junior synonym of C. australis Holten. alalmus Gregorio — form of C. mediterraneus Hw. — Algeria. alatus Fischer von Waldheim — nomen dubium. alba Coen — nomen nudum. albeolus (Röding) — junior synonym of C. terebra Born. albicans Sow. — provisionally considered valid species — Indonesia. albidus Schröter — nomen dubium. albina B.D.D. — form of C. mediterraneus Hw. — Roussillon. albomaculatus Sow. — granulated form of C. litoglyphus Hw. — Moluccas designated type locality. albonerosus (Garrard) — valid species — Queensland. albospira E.A. Smith — junior synonym of C. collisus Rve — Andaman Sea designated type locality. albuquerquei Trovão — junior synonym of C. africanus Kien.