The population structure of Assiminea grayana Fleming, 1828 (Gastropoda, Assimineidae), in the South-West Netherlands
Basteria , Volume 45 - Issue 4/5 p. 73- 78
— Population structure and life-cycle of Assiminea grayana are described, based on size frequencydistribution histograms of samples from a salt-marsh along the Western Scheldt estuary. — Generations of previous years could be distinguished until June, later on they merged to form one inseparable group. — Highest numbers were found in winter, numbers decreased at the end of the winter, mainly due to mortality, and in spring, mainly due to migration. — First representatives of the new generation were found in July. In October the main part of the population consisted of this new generation. — At least part of the individuals may live for two years.
Aanvullende gegevens | |
Basteria | |
Organisatie | Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging |
A.W. Fortuin, L. de Wolf & Catharina H. Borghouts-Biersteker. (1981). The population structure of Assiminea grayana Fleming, 1828 (Gastropoda, Assimineidae), in the South-West Netherlands. Basteria, 45(4/5), 73–78. |