Based on the type material and the original descriptions, on the Conus collection of the Zoological Museum Amsterdam and other museums and private collections, the (sub)specific names in the recent Conidae are revised. Illustrations and distribution maps are supplied. In the ninth part the following Conus names are discussed: ebraeus Linne, — valid species — tropical Indo-Pacific to central America. eburneus Hwass — valid species — eastern Indian Ocean, western and central Pacific. eburneus (Rod). — junior secondary homonym; junior objective synonym of C. ochroleucus Gmelin echinophilus (Petuch) — juvenile of C. adansonii Lam. — Senegal echinulatus Kien. — junior synonym of C. jaspideus forma verrucosus Hwass. edaphus Dall — junior synonym of C. tessulatus Born. (edentulus Reeve) — is Mitra (Diabaphus) edentula Swainson, fam. Mitridae. edwardi Preston — junior synonym of C. zonatus Hwass. egregius Sow. — juvenile of C. quercinus Solander. elatensis Wils et al. — lectotype designated; junior synonym of C. nigropunctatus Sow. eldredi Morrison — nomen novum for C. geographus rosea Sowerby; valid species — islands of the central Pacific. elegans Sow. — valid species — Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman to Karachi (Pakistan). elegans ramalhoi new subspecies — Mozambique; type locality Angoche. elegans Schepman — lectotype designated; junior homonym; renamed C. schepmani Fulton. elevata Wils et al. — form of C. thalassiarchus Sow. — southern Philippines. elisae Kiener — lectotype designated; colour form of C. praelatus Hwass — East Africa; Zanzibar designated type locality. elokismenos Kilburn — new name for C. aratus Kilburn; subspecies of C. orbignyi Audouin — S.E. Africa and Madagascar. elongatus Holten — lectotype designated; objective junior synonym of C. guineensis Gmel. elongatus in Dillwyn — junior homonym and junior synonym. elongatus Reeve — junior homonym; renamed C. oblitus Reeve and C. moreleti Crosse. elongatus B.D.D. — lectotype designated; junior homonym; a form of C. mediterraneus Hwass. elongatus Adam & Leloup in Dautzenberg — nomen nudum; renamed C. episcopatus puppillaris Da Motta. elpus De Gregorio — junior synonym of C. mediterraneus Hwass. elventinus Duclos — lectotype designated; junior synonym of C. mindanus Hwass. emaciatus Reeve — lectotype designated; valid species — Red Sea to western Pacific. emarginatus Reeve — new name for C. arcuatus Gray; valid species — E. Pacific from Mexico to Colombia; the type locality is Mazatlan, not Cape San Lucas. embrikena in Marsh — nomen nudum. emersoni Hanna — tentatively considered a valid species; fossil? — Baja California. emisus De Gregorio — lectotype designated; junior synonym of C. mediterraneus Hwass. empismus De Gregorio — perhaps not a valid name; junior synonym of C. mediterraneus Hwass. encaustus Kien. — subspecies of C. miliaris Hwass — endemic on Marquesas Islands, which are designated type locality. endorus De Gregorio — junior synonym of C. mediterraneus Hwass. epaphus Nardo — junior synonym of C. mediterraneus Hwass. (epaticus Renier) — rejected and invalid name. episcopatus Da Motta — colour form of C. magnificus Reeve. episcopus Hwass — subspecies of C. pennaceus Born — type locality restricted to Mauritius. epistomioides Weinkauff — lectotype designated; junior synonym of C. magus Linné. epistomium Reeve — lectotype designated; junior synonym of C. magus Linné. eques Hwass — nomen dubium equestris (Röd.) — colour form of C. bandanus Hwass — Moluccas. equestris (Röd). — junior homonym; colour form of C. ammiralis Linné. ermineus Born — valid species — West Indies from Florida to N. Brasil; West Africa from Canary Islands to Angola. (errosus Renier) — rejected and invalid name. errosus in Nardo — nomen nudum. erythraeensis Reeve — lectotype designated; valid species — S. Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. erythraeozonatus Barros e Cunha — lectotype designated; junior synonym of C. flavidus Lam. espinosai Sarasua — a form of C. granulatus Linné. eucoronatus Sow. — lectotype designated; valid species — S. Africa and Mozambique. eudoxus Tryon — holotype traced; junior synonym of C. marchionatus Hinds. euetrios Sow. — colour form of C. textile Linné. eugrammatus Bartsch & Rehd. — valid species — Hawaii, S. Japan to Philippines. eumitus Tomlin — lectotype designated; junior synonym of C. cholmondeleyi Melvill — Kenya to Natal. euschemon Tomlin — new name for C. gracilis Wood; junior synonym of C. timorensis Hwass. evelynae Sow. — junior synonym of C. gladiator Brod. exaratus Reeve — type is juvenile shell; junior synonym of C. cinereus Hwass excavatus Sow. — a colour form of C. fumigatus Hwass. excelsus Sow. — valid species — S. Japan to Queensland, and New Caledonia. exdeshayesi (Sacco) — new name for C. deshayesii Reeve; junior secondary synonym of C. cuvieri Crosse exiguus Lam. — valid species — type locality restricted to New Caledonia. eximius Reeve — valid species — Bay of Bengal to East China Sea. exquisitus Sow. — junior synonym of C. ornatus Sow., which belongs to the C. cardinalis complex. extraordinarius Hwass — colour form of C. ammiralis Linné.


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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

H.E. Coomans, R.G. Moolenbeek, & E. Wils. (1986). Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae. 9. ebraeus to extraordinarius with the description of Conus elegans ramalhoi, nov. subspecies. Basteria, 50(4/6), 93–150.