
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

Two new species of Monachoides Gude & Woodward, M. kosovoensis and M. taraensis, are described from Kosovo and Crna Gora, Yugoslavia, on the basis of conchological and anatomical characters. The assignment of both species to the genus Monachoides is somewhat doubtful in view of the presence of a small second dart-sac in M. kosovoensis, and the atypical shell of M. taraensis. A lectotype shell of Monacha fallax Wagner, 1915, is designated and figured. An annotated checklist of all nominal hygromiid western Balkan species (sensu Schileyko, 1991, exclusive of the “Helicellinae”, and the genus Monacha Fitzinger s.l.) is provided.

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