Additional material and different interpretation of European Chrysallida have led to the following conclusions. C. interspatiosa Van der Linden & Eikenboom, 1992, is a synonym of C.flexuosa (Monterosato, 1874). Details are given of species and/or names not mentioned by Van der Linden & Eikenboom (1992). The replacement name C. interita Van der Linden & Eikenboom, 1992, appears to be unnecessary as earlier names are available.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

P. Micali, I. Nofroni, & J.J. van Aartsen. (1993). Addition to the knowledge of the European Chrysallida species, with notes on a recent work by Van der Linden & Eikenboom (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia). Basteria, 57(4/6), 147–154.