Limax majoricensis Heynemann, 1862, is hereby redescribed from material collected by Gasull and Muntaner and kept in the Natural History Museums of Göteborg and Stockholm (Sweden). The specimens show two dark hands on the dorsum and mantle. A long caecum, which almost attains the rear end of the visceral mass, inserts on the bend of the last loop of the digestive tract. The genital system is characterized by a vestigial, or completely absent, vas deferens. The penis is divided into two parts, folded up owing to a muscular sheath surrounding the structure. The penial retractor muscle is lacking. Inside the penis there is a variable number of longitudinal folds. Following Wiktor’s system (1989) this species is to be included in the subgenus Limacus Lehmann, 1864, because of the existence of internal folds in the penis and the peculiar position of the caecal junction with the rectum.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

José Castillejo, & Carlos Garrido. (1994). Morphology and anatomy of Limax (Limacus) majoricensis Heynemann, 1862, from the Balearic Islands (Spain, western Mediterranean) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Limacidae). Basteria, 58(4), 217–224.