Initiated by a short nomenclatural note of H. Nordsieck (1995) an attempt is made to supply more information on the confusing nomenclatural problems which arose from different interpretation of the specific names grisea Deshayes and maculosa Deshayes as used by the most important authors in the last century. A table is added summarizing the use of this names to facilitate the understanding of the publications of these authors. The polytypic species hitherto known as Albinaria hohorsti H. Nordsieck, 1984, has to bear the oldest group name available which is Clausilia bigibbosula Westerlund, 1878. The following taxa are described as new to science: Albinaria grisea micromaculata, Albinaria litoraria, Albinaria mixta inflexa, Albinaria argynnis geraniensis, Albinaria solicola solicola, and Albinaria solicola leonidiae. Lectotypes for the following taxa are designated: Clausilia grisea Deshayes, Clausilia (Albinaria) heterochroa Westerlund, Clausilia (Albinaria) heterochroa f. werneri Sturany, Clausilia argynnis Westerlund. Arguments are presented for the grouping of Albinaria species from Attica and the Peloponnese. The most common species in the area is Albinaria grisea, which is here considered to encompass five subspecies. Several conchologically stable forms are described which probably are the result of hybridization of A. grisea ssp. with species living nearby. Probable hybridization zones with related species are located, intermediate forms are illustrated.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

Eike Neubert. (1998). New data on the fauna of Clausiliidae of Greece, in particular on Albinaria from Attica and the Peloponnese (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Clausiliidae). Basteria, 62(3/4), 125–155.