Problemen rond de naamgeving van de Aziatische korfmossel, de Fijngeribde korfmossel en de toegeknepen korfmossel ofwel de Corbicula’s in Nederland
Correspondentieblad NMV , Volume 270 - Issue 1 p. 19- 21
The introduction of one or two Corbicula species in western Europe, the Netherlands in particular, caused a lot of confusion about identification and nomenclature of the different forms. The different opinions are enumarated. Based on Müller (1774)’s type material as figured by Britton & Morton (1979) the author suggests that two names can be used for Recent species occurring in the Netherlands: Corbicula fluminea and C. fluminalis. Research about the validity of both taxa is not yet published. The name for the pleistocene species found in the Netherlands is still a matter of discussion.
Aanvullende gegevens | |
Correspondentieblad NMV | |
Organisatie | Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging |
R.G. Moolenbeek. (1993). Problemen rond de naamgeving van de Aziatische korfmossel, de Fijngeribde korfmossel en de toegeknepen korfmossel ofwel de Corbicula’s in Nederland. Correspondentieblad NMV, 270(1), 19–21. |