Enkele notities over Ensis directus aan de Amerikaanse oostkust
Correspondentieblad NMV , Volume 286 - Issue 1 p. 124- 125
The American Razor Clam Ensis directus (Conrad), although also common in its homeland, seems to be even more abundant in the intertidal environments of the Western European coastal habitats. At the Atlantic Coast of the USA, E. directus has to endure more competitors and predators than in Europe. In general, the average length of this species in America is similar to the European ones, although in the USA the maximum size can reach 25 cm, compared with 18 cm in Europe
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Correspondentieblad NMV | |
Organisatie | Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging |
Dirk Wouters. (1995). Enkele notities over Ensis directus aan de Amerikaanse oostkust. Correspondentieblad NMV, 286(1), 124–125. |