Verse Corbula gibba en Acanthocardia paucicostata van de Maasvlakte (2)
Correspondentieblad NMV , Volume 327 - Issue 1 p. 74- 75
In 1999 the author reported for the first time on the occurrence of Corbula gibba and Acanthocardia paucicostata on the Maasvlakte-beach, south of the port entrance of Rotterdam (province of Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands). This report explored the assumption that ballast water from ships had introduced those species in this area. During the year 2000, a big supply of sand was deposited to fight erosion of the latter beach. Since that time the beach finds of both species has dramatically decreased.
Aanvullende gegevens | |
Correspondentieblad NMV | |
Organisatie | Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging |
A.C. Janse. (2002). Verse Corbula gibba en Acanthocardia paucicostata van de Maasvlakte (2). Correspondentieblad NMV, 327(1), 74–75. |