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Two new orchid taxa on the Wadden Sea Islands: Dactylorhiza vadorum Kreutz & H.Dekker, spec. nov., and its maculate form Dactylorhiza vadorum var. picturata Kreutz & H.Dekker, var. nov. In response to Kreutz & Dekker's (2016) article in Gorteria about the possible occurrence of Dactylorhiza purpurella (T.Stephenson & T.A.Stephenson) Soó in the Netherlands and the discussion of the taxonomic status of the Dutch and Danish plants, it has been decided to describe the plants of Southern Denmark and Schiermonnikoog in this article as a new species, Dactylorhiza vadorum Kreutz & H.Dekker. The maculate variety of this new species is newly described as D. vadorum var. picturata Kreutz & H. Dekker. In addition, the distribution of these newly described taxa and their morphological differences with D. purpurella are discussed. Dactylorhiza vadorum is characterized by a medium-sized to robust habit with unspotted fairly broad, trough-shaped leaves which are more or less arranged in two rows. The inflorescence is short to elongate cylindrical. The reddish to purple-reddish flowers are relatively large and have a threelobed, slightly rhombic shaped lip. Diagnostic character states are, in particular, the characteristic robust leaves, the cylindrical inflorescence and the reddish-purple colour of the flowers.

Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives

CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding")

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

C.A.J. Kreutz & H. Dekker. (2016). Twee nieuwe orchideeëntaxa op de Waddeneilanden: Dactylorhiza vadorum Kreutz et H.Dekker, spec. nov., en zijn gevlekte vorm Dactylorhiza vadorum var. picturata Kreutz et H.Dekker, var. nov. Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives, 38(3/4/5), 175–188.

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