
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

Baccharis halimifolia L. (Tree Groundsel) was recorded for the second time in the Netherlands in 2014 at Kwade Hoek on the island of Goeree, Province of South-Holland. Since that year, this invasive species has been recorded twice in Dutch natural reserves, fortunately as single individuals only. One plant was found in 2015 in the central part of the Province of Limburg in 2015, where it was growing on the high bank of the River Meuse in an occasionally grazed terrain. And, as predicted, the species was also found in Dutch Flanders, where in the summer of 2016 a single plant was found growing in a grazed grassland close to the border with Belgium. Plants previously reported from a neglected allotment near Obdam in 2009 were no longer present in 2016. Tree Groundsel is one of the 37 species on the first list of Union Concern (EU regulation 1143/2014) that came into force on August 3, 2016.

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