A new endemic glass-snail, Oxychilus edmundi spec. nov., is described from the Porto valley on the western coast of the French island Corsica. The single sparse population belongs to the presumed endemic radiation of the O. tropidophorus-group. The new species can be discriminated from its most similar relative, O. tropidophorus (J. Mabille, 1869), of which a topotype could be compared, by its more elevated spire and an extreme bottleneck in the penis, among other characters.


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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

Gerhard Falkner. (2008). Oxychilus (Ortizius) edmundi spec. nov. – a new narrow range endemic from Corsica (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Oxychilidae). Basteria, 72(4/6), 135–141.