Graduation on snake ecology Sterrin Smalbrugge studies Ecology (Msc.) at Wageningen University with a strong focus on snake ecology. She was a real fan of Steve Erwin a.k.a. “the Crocodile Hunter”. On the day he died she made a promise to herself to continue his work (in her own way) which is showing the world how amazing and fascinating reptiles really are, despite their reputation. Sterrin now runs her own company: “Game of Reptiles”. She gives lectures, shows and master classes with the aid of a large collection of venomous snakes throughout the country. She also is very active on social media with her Facebook page Sterrin’s Wild World. With this interview she gives a sneak peak in her herpetological work, her future projects and academic research. Bij universiteiten en onderzoeksinstellingen werken diverse wetenschappers aan reptielen, amfibieën en vissen. We willen de RAVON-lezers kennis laten maken met een aantal van deze onderzoekers. In dit artikel Sterrin Smalbrugge, Masterstudent aan de Wageningen Universiteit, die zich bezig houdt met onderzoek naar en voorlichting over reptielen.

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P. Janssen. (2017). Afstuderen op slangenecologie - Interview met Sterrin Smalbrugge. RAVON, 19(3), 57–59.