The ‘Defence Line of Amsterdam’ consists of 43 fortifications built in a circle around the capital of the Netherlands. Less known is the fact that here and there between these fortifications sluices are built to enable inundation of the surrounding lowlands. The area open to the public forming the inundation sluice in the Southdike of the Beemster along the North Holland Canal, North-Holland, the Netherlands, has been investigated on several occasions for the presence of molluscs during three successive years (2009-2011). This has resulted in the recording of 23 different species: 17 terrestrial snails, 5 terrestrial slugs and a single amphibious aquatic snail. Additional mollusc species may be present in a closed area north of the tiny public part of the inundation sluice.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

H.K. Mienis. (2012). Een voorlopige samenvatting betreffende de weekdierfauna van de inundatiesluis behorende tot de Stelling van Amsterdam in de Beemster. Spirula, 384, 8–10.