In 2015 the author spent a week on the Wadden island Texel (province of North-Holland), with the primary intention to attend the arrival of (the Dutch) Santa Claus on the island on November 21. Next day, during a walk on the beach a fish crate was found with on the algae overgrown inside a small, white shell which later turned out to be Similipecten similis (Laskey, 1811). As far as known this species was found only twice before on the Dutch coast. In the same week a young, sinistral specimen of Radix balthica (Linnaeus, 1758) was collected in De Tuintjes, a place where also in 2005 two sinistral specimens of this species had been found. These finds have strengthened the author’s belief in the clemency of Santa Claus.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

R.W.B. Bruins. (2016). Een weekje Texel met twee heel bijzondere vondsten of: ‘Hoe ik weer in Sinterklaas ben gaan geloven’. Spirula, 407, 9–11.